The era of the traditional 8-hour working day is coming to an end. A convenient, flexible schedule replaces it. Freelance confidently steps into the future, leading a massive army of free creators. Specialists from different fields are actively working in an accessible mode, thus realizing the maximum personal potential.
But employers did not stay away. More and more companies and individuals need the help of freelancers. Hiring remotes helps reduce work costs and increase profits. Attracting them is also justified when a one-time or irregular task is required. And freelancers are in demand when the implementation of the project implies the presence of unique skills.
The only reason why some entrepreneurs have not yet used the help of remote employees is the difficulty in selecting really ace of their business. How to find a decent and responsible freelancer? Take advantage of the tips below, and join the vast world of free specials.
Table of Contents
What to look for when looking for a freelancer?

It is essential to understand that the search for personnel is not in the office is different from staff recruitment. Although, there are similar principles.
The leading indicators on which the employer is encouraged to concentrate are:
- Experience. It is necessary for any applicant, but for a freelancer is especially relevant. So it is worth getting acquainted with the applicant’s portfolio to understand the level of his professionalism.
- Attentiveness. This point, in particular, concerns the technical task. If the applicant asks questions spelled out at the beginning of the job, it makes you doubt his professional suitability. But the complete lack of clarification may indicate the same.
- Finance. When cooperation starts with billing, think about its fruitfulness. Literate specialists, as a rule, evaluate the project after clarifying all the details.
- Punctuality. If, after receiving an offer of cooperation, the answer comes in 24 hours, or even later, it is a wake-up call. Is this skillful man friends with deadlines? The delay with the feedback to the current requests in the process should be especially alarming.
- Politeness. It’s a critical point, an easy-to-perform professional. Be sure to consider how the applicant negotiates. Do you like his way of communicating? How does he react to the comments?
- Literacy. Perhaps for certain types of work, it is not principled, but still. An educated person does not write with errors. Especially rude. And, mainly, competently uses professional terms.
- Reliability. What could be better than being able to rely entirely on a contractor who is ready to carry out errands on the first call?
- The comfort of communication. Yes, it would be best if you were happy to negotiate with a person. Lack of understanding and personal dislike is not the best companions of successful cooperation.
- Ready to accept criticism. This hides a demonstration of respect for your opinion, as well as a desire to work together. But if the justified comments in response sound: “the artist can offend everyone,” think twice before continuing the interaction.
Where to look for a remote employee?

The criteria for choosing a freelancer have been sorted out. Now it is necessary to decide where to find it. It won’t cause any difficulties. With the development of the Internet options, where you can catch a good specialist remotely, abound.
- Social media
It is there today that the entire public, which can help in an organized search, lives there today. It is enough to place an ad with a call for help, the repost of which sooner or later will lead to you the right expert. Or he won’t. That’s how lucky you are.
- Freelancing Exchange
The most “fish” place, where a decent number of free artists live. There you will have the opportunity to publish the project and get dozens of responses to it. Among the applications, you will easily find the required person because you will have at your disposal the rating of freelancers, their portfolios, and feedback from other customers.
- Personal sites
Nowadays, such portals are not uncommon but a regularity. Successful and not uncommonly, freelancers get personal sites to more solidly present their services. And only your inner voice can tell – believe them or not. Behind a beautiful picture can hide anything.
Conversely, if the personal site is half empty or absent, the owner may not have enough time to fill or create it. Choosing between vacancies with work on others and yourself, the freelancer almost always chooses the first.
- Professional forums/communities
There are plenty of platforms where freelancers share their experiences and advertise their services. These include regular forums, social media groups, and Telegram channels. There you can find the right specialist without much difficulty. At the same time, you can get acquainted with life on freelance from the inside, which will help further cooperation on a remote basis.
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As you can see, there are plenty of “fishing” places to catch the remoter. Concentrate on one of them or use it all at once. The result can be successful in any of the options.
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The criteria for an ideal employee on a remote

Naturally, work on the remote, like any other work area, implies good and bad employees. To deal exclusively with the first category, you need to know their distinctive features.
Good freelancers:
- First, evaluate the job, and then form its cost and timing of completion;
- Outline the results that the customer should expect.
- Responsibility for the timely performance of the job.
- Understand that the final decision to accept the product may depend on several people of the company;
- Ready to make corrections according to the customer’s wishes;
- Maintain regular contact with the employer;
- Provide reports on the work done if it consists of many steps;
- Give professional advice based on personal experience;
- Understand the importance of polite communication with the client.
It is worth wary if the applicant speaks a lot and promises golden mountains. And from the first message begins to “poke” and communicate in a pan brat manner. It is also recommended to take a closer look if the contractor’s profile contains a specialty that does not correspond to the proposed job. Or he’s a seam, a reaper, and a dude gamer—programmer and copywriter in one person – a dubious symbiosis.
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However, it is worth remembering that remotes are often creative guys living in a world of creativity and wholly detached from reality. Any framework and stereotypes are alien, so it is not possible to evaluate them according to generally accepted criteria. It is essential to see their potential at the start of contact so as not to weed out the inconsistency of the position.
What are the challenges with remote workers?
Having decided to involve a freelance worker, be prepared for the difficulties that are likely to face. Not all freelancers are equally good at their profession. Some newcomers have only recently embarked on the path of free work. There are experienced remotes that allow themselves to be dismissive of small errands. There are just lazy and procrastinators who do not want to work. Just don’t be disappointed when faced with them.
And sometimes difficulties can arise and because of customers. And then you need to be able to cope with them in practical ways.
So, the most common problems that customers face when working with freelancers:
- No response to a vacancy
By posting an ad about finding a candidate, you may encounter a complete lack of interest from freelancers. This can happen because of the poor description of the project, unrealistic deadlines, or low prices. And here, the way out is obvious – to revise the announcement and the requirements put forward to the candidates. The publications of other customers will be a good help in this case.
- Unsatisfied quality of work done.
No one is safe from such a situation. But you can try to protect yourself from it as much as possible. First, describe in detail the task. Secondly, carefully conduct the selection of applicants. Third, don’t skimp on payment. And, fourthly, spend on a test job for job seekers. And don’t try to save on the latter. Free TK will never interest skilled workers.
- The Disappearance of a Freelancer
To not lose touch with the remoter, try to collect the maximum contact data at the initial stage of cooperation. Mobile number, nickname in Skype, name in social networks – all this will be useful for identifying the contractor. Although, if the performer decided to disappear of his own accord, nothing would help. Just put up with it and look for another specialist.
- Disruption of deadlines
There is a myth that all free creators sin this. But in reality, freelancers, breaking deadlines, much less than it is customary to discuss on the Internet. The only way to protect yourself from such a situation is to set deadlines with a reserve of a few days. And don’t stop looking for a more punctual mercenary.
You may also face other difficulties in freelancing cooperation. You can’t get insured with them. But, whatever the problems, “to dismiss” the remote is much easier than a full-time employee. And this advantage can not be ignored, choosing favor of a free applicant.
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How to build mutually beneficial and reliable relationships with freelancers?
Hiring remote workers often bode well for business. The main thing is to be able to work productively with them. And there is no need to make special efforts.
It is enough to stipulate all the nuances of implementation at the beginning of cooperation. This rule is especially true of the connection with the executor, possible edits, and the project’s timing. Do not ignore the financial issue. It should be made clear how the settlement will take place to avoid further misunderstandings. And it is better to negotiate all or duplicate the main points of the agreements in writing so that it is easy to recreate them if necessary.
Pay attention to a detailed technical task. Include all the essential requirements and instructions, and this will help you get the expected result. The temptation to briefly outline the main points is very significant but not productive. It is better to spend time on explanations once than then correct the finished creation.
When the project is started to work, you do not need to try to control every step of the freelancer. Keep in mind that remote work involves a fee schedule that is convenient for the performer. Set a deadline, try to wait for it, not to finish the distracting messages. But it is not necessary to disappear because the performer may have questions that require prompt answers.
Aim to create an attractive image of the customer, which in the future will help to build even more loyal relationships with remotes. It’s effortless to do if:
- Build a constructive dialogue with the performers;
- Provide regular feedback;
- Pay promptly.
Remember that your relationship with freelance representatives is a partnership. This approach will help to avoid the standard errors that arise in a pair of “employer-employee.”
Is it worth involving remote staff in cooperation?

Despite the popularity of freelancing, for many, it remains unexplored. There is still a myth in the network that all remote contractors are optional, non-punctual, and wayward. Although, often, such behavior is the fault of the employers themselves. Healthy management has not been canceled. Both sides are responsible for the result.
Yes, the search for reliable remote specialists requires some time, but it fully justifies itself in the future. You will be able to attract the right highly qualified pros from other cities and even countries. At the same time, expect the prompt and high-quality performance of the task at an acceptable cost.
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The freelancing market, and with it work at home, is actively growing and developing. And this state of affairs pleases not only performers. Employers benefit from this: healthy competition, optimization, savings, and the opportunity to get an excellent result at a decent cost. For the development and prosperity of business – it is good to help.
Trying to work with freelancers is worth it!