Virtual interviews in modern realities are becoming a mass phenomenon. A year ago, they were used by single companies to find employees for freelance employment, and today their number has grown significantly. And regardless of whether you are hired in the office or for a remote job, the chance that you will have to be interviewed in the format online is high enough. And digital technologies are contributing to this, developing rapidly.

There is no significant difference between face-to-face and online interviews. But there are nuances, which is better to know before appearing before the employer on the gadget screen. Let’s learn how to prepare for a video meeting and behave to get the coveted vacancy.

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Equipment selection

Learning from the second party, what service will be used for a remote interview, it is necessary to decide on the technique. If Skype was launched in 99% of cases in 99% of cases, today, the choice of programs is much broader.

The worst option of equipment will be a mobile phone. Bad communication, small screen – this is not all the reasons why you should refuse to use this gadget. For working virtual communication, it is still better to choose a computer – desktop or laptop. They provide a good view and are convenient for setting up sound and images when difficulties arise.

Check communication

Determined with the technique, you should organize a training session of communication. Attract a friend or loved one for this purpose, and check how well the service works:

  • Is there any disruption to the Internet?
  • How do I work with a microphone and headphones?
  • How do I see the video?
  • What is included in the camera review?

The last point is essential for choosing the venue for the interview. Do not consider the bedroom and kitchen. You do not need to sit with your back to the window if it is sunny outside. Otherwise, on the side of the screen, you will not be seen. Try to keep the background as discreet as possible, without scattered clothes, broken shelves, and other familiar home attributes. It’s great if there’s a book or a painting. Make sure there’s nothing strange or compromising in the camera’s field of view.

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Clothing selection

An online interview with an employer requires a mature business style of clothing. But without inflection. In a jacket, you will look as ridiculous as in pajamas. Therefore, experts recommend applicants dress in the style of smart casual.

And do not be tempted to put yourself to the waist, staying in pajama pants. First, it can be revealed most unexpectedly (see the videos on the Internet). And secondly, so you will not feel confident and collected.

Working on camera

Many experience embarrassment and difficulty communicating via video link. That’s why it’s worth training. Record the video by talking about yourself and analyze it by paying attention to:

  • Voice and diction;
  • Facial expression
  • Involuntary movements;
  • signs of nervousness.

At the interview, you should radiate confidence and be as calm as possible. The view should be directed to the camera, not lowered down. Gesticulation should be minimal. A slight smile and interest in the eye will not hurt.

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Rehearsed answers

Naturally, you should find information about what is asked at a job interview. This will help you think ahead of time the answers that would show you favorable light and noticeably distinguish among the other candidates. Common questions often include:

  • Why did you leave my previous position?
  • What did you like and dislike about that job?
  • What are your primary skills?
  • Who do you see yourself in five years?
  • What are your strengths?
  • Why did you choose our company?
  • What salary do you expect?

You may also be asked situational questions to simulate certain moments and determine your response to them. They can surprise the story, so you should prepare for them, getting acquainted with the experience of those who have already answered such questions.

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Be sure to study the information about the organization, the vacancy to which you responded. This will demonstrate an interest in the employer, which will work in your favor.

Important questions

Also, do not neglect the opportunity to prepare your list of questions of interest in connection with employment for a particular position. If they are not disclosed during the interview, boldly ask them to present a complete picture of the future workplace.

The absence of questions on your part may be perceived as disinterest in the vacancy and lack of initiative. Make it clear to the employer that you care where to work, and you need to match the interests with the company and its staff.

Choose your time

The main difficulty of online interviewing lies in home jams. During the conversation in the house, it is essential that the house did not hear the sound of a working kettle, talking TV, and other foreign noises, not to mention running children.

To do this:

  1. Choose the optimal time and have a conversation when the house is a calm and favorable environment.
  2. Do not be afraid to make an appointment by notifying your employer.
  3. If the latter offers an inconvenient time, explain why it is unsuitable for you and offer your option.

During the discussion, you will agree, and you will talk in a calm environment.

How to get out of unscheduled situations?

Despite the severe approach, be prepared for force majeure, from which you should learn to go out beautifully. This, by the way, will demonstrate your willingness to deal with sudden difficulties. There can be as many situations as possible during a virtual interview. The most common:

  • Interruption

In this case, it is necessary to ask the interviewer for a mobile phone number in advance to contact him promptly and explain the situation.

  • Foreign noises
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If your neighbor suddenly decides to turn on the drill or someone starts to persistently call the apartment, apologize to the interlocutor and ask to wait, having previously turned off the microphone.

  • Sudden guests

Perhaps the most ridiculous, and at the same time, annoying case, which can happen during an online interview – is an “uninvited” guest who came into the room. Most often, they are children. And here, the algorithm is the same as in the previous paragraph – apologize and disconnect for a while to solve the problem. Don’t find out the relationship with a sudden guest on camera. It looks ridiculous and inappropriate. And it can also cause the creation and distribution of a viral video that will make you a “star.”

Don’t get upset if something went wrong during the interview. First, it may only seem to you, whereas the other side will not give it meaning. Secondly, rely on the recruiter’s understanding. And then these situations are personal experiences, and it’s always valuable.

How to pass an online interview successfully?

To get a job after a video interview, you should mentally be in the recruiter’s shoes and understand what is important to him. Remember that the impression of you begins to develop after receiving and reading the resume. It is also worth working hard to attract attention and cause confidence.

Don’t forget about personal social media accounts. They should work for you, not against you. Your employer may want to find information about you as a specialist on the Internet. Make sure the data you have is not discredited.

After the interview, contact the recruiter by sending him a thank-you letter. It will also increase the chances of success. Even if you are not accepted for the job, stay as friendly and calm as possible. Remember that this is an invaluable experience that is sure to come in handy in the future, especially if you look towards freelance employment.


Sanjay is a professional content writer at and is working for several Magazines. As his major project, He is currently interviewing a number of freelancers and digital nomads.

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