At all times, these two main life spheres are on the scales, outweighing one or the other. Work-life balance for many sounds like a fantastic phenomenon that is not possible to implement.

It seems that you will leave the office for freelancing, and finally, you can balance the two spheres. But in practice, finding a middle ground is even more difficult. The development of digital technologies leaves no chance for privacy, providing an opportunity to communicate any time of the day.

It is tough to balance difficult economic times when work responsibilities invariably come to the fore. Money becomes the main goal for which they sacrifice a lot. This state of affairs leads to professional burnout, stress, and depressive states. To prevent this, one should try to remain neutral and feel motivated, calm, and happy.

How to find a work-life balance?

When it comes to balancing life without turning into a restless careerist or a prudent family man, there are different opinions. Some people think it’s enough to balance the number of hours given to these areas. But it doesn’t work that way. A clear boundary is required to be established without allowing it to be blurred.

There must be harmony in life when there is time for a career, a family, and oneself. Only under this condition can we talk about balance. But, mind you, don’t be equal! Balance is when you lean right or left but continue to stand on two legs, keeping your balance. You don’t fall, although one side has more weight.

Do not dwell on the middle position. It is necessary to skillfully balance while remaining happy, satisfying the boss’s requirements as an employee, and the family’s needs, as a husband, father, son. To achieve this state, you should try. Fortunately, some ways can help enjoy life.

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Set clear opening hours

Whether you’re a full-time employee or a remote member, determine the time frame in which you’re available to address work moments. Notify employers, partners, and colleagues about them, so they understand when you won’t respond to their requests.

24-hour availability is often sinned by freelancers, trying, thus, to retain customers. In reality, this approach is fraught with rapid burnout, twitching, and stress. After the set time, turn off the Internet, turn off the sound on notifications, and do other relevant things.

Create a work schedule for yourself

When setting hours of work, do not focus on the accepted standards. Primarily if you work at home, consider your energy cycles. That is the time in which you are most focused and productive. It’s almost about the seats and larks. If you feel a surge of energy and emotional uplift in the evening, do not force yourself to work early in the morning. You can leave this time for sleep or professional communication, but do the main job when full of energy.

Practice time management and plan

Time management is an essential aspect of balancing professional and personal life. Time management remains relevant for all employees, regardless of profession. If you are constantly “losing” time, it is unlikely to achieve the ideal ratio of two spheres.

Start by drawing up a plan for each day by grouping tasks by prioritizing them. Fight with the “thieves” of time – social networks, snacks, chatter on the phone. Break the day into work blocks and breaks to avoid being distracted and lose productivity during the day.

Delegate home responsibilities

Another time-eater who has to contend with at the expense of privacy. If you have too much work and many responsibilities that outweigh the family, look for extra hours elsewhere. And household chores, especially in the case of women, are precisely the right thing to do. They can be entrusted to another person or find an alternative. Cleaning the house is a housekeeper. At least once a week. Buying products is a delivery service. Prepare the food to go to the restaurant. You must be making enough money to let it happen. And if not, then you spend too much time working, which does not bring profit. And here it is worth thinking about.

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Keep an eye on your health.

All efforts will be ineffective if your health is terrible. If the physical form does not please health, there is no practical work, no family affairs in pleasure. Therefore, maintain a healthy spirit in all convenient and pleasant ways.

What’s worth mentioning here? A full sleep. Then – proper nutrition, physical activity, walk in the fresh air. And less alcohol, tobacco, and other unhealthy things. A measure of good health is a sincere smile after waking up.

Maintain a family relationship

Personal relationships affect performance and productivity. If there are difficulties in them, and because of professional responsibilities, including it, it is necessary to solve them and not ignore them. It’s not going to work.

Relationships with loved ones and loved ones are invaluable and the primary source of inner satisfaction. And with it, any work is done more effectively.

Make time for yourself.

Here it is worth remembering about your favorite occupation, hobbies, and hobbies. Take the time to be alone and think, to renew, to dream.

Give yourself pleasure, whatever it is. Within a reasonable and safe framework, of course. Shopping is so shopping. Fast food is so fast food. Fishing, football, lying on the couch – anything, just as you like. And it did not interfere with work and personal life.

Talk about your difficulties.

Don’t drown in the images of Superman and Superwoman, torn between work and family responsibilities. Do not be silent, quietly plunging into chronic stress. Be able to ask your boss for a holiday or a short-term holiday in time. Tell your loved ones if you feel that you are having a hard time. Explain that you are tired. You need to rest and recover.

Silence will only make the situation worse, and a timely conversation can save the situation. Be sure to try. Don’t expect others to guess your condition. Speak if you want to understand.

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Work smarter, not harder

The current variety of technologies is designed to simplify processes. And you need to be able to use them, freeing up time for other activities. Is it worth puffing overwriting an email setting a task to a colleague if you can write a voice message faster?

Why twitch to the sound of incoming messages after hours if you can turn off the Internet so that those who want to communicate see that you are not online?

Self-discipline, the ability to say no, interest in new technologies – all this will help work effectively and with less effort.

How to maintain a work-life balance?

The main thing is to try to balance the two areas and accept that there is no perfect balance between them. It’s office or freelance – always good where we’re not.

It is necessary to strive for perfection but to delve into perfectionism. It is essential to understand that today you stayed at work, and tomorrow – left earlier and devoted time to the family. You can’t keep your balance every day.

The above methods are not a panacea. Everyone should choose the most acceptable and effective for themselves. And it is essential to revise them over time because there are new circumstances and conditions.

You don’t need to implement global change right away. Start with a few strategies, gradually adding the rest. The process of achieving balance can be compared to the training of professional athletes. Daily training will lead you to the expected success, but this is not a reason to stop. It is necessary to make constant efforts to preserve the result called a balanced life. It is up to you to dream about it or to act.


It is essential to understand that there is no single standard of work-life balance. If you feel happy giving to your favorite cause or feel harmony when you devote more time to the family, this is your balance. It is your choice, which is much more important to follow than to meet social standards. Agree?


Sanjay is a professional content writer at and is working for several Magazines. As his major project, He is currently interviewing a number of freelancers and digital nomads.

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