The driving force behind any web resource is content. It determines the positioning of the site on the network and its attractiveness in the eyes of users. But it is provided that it is unique. And there are often a lot of questions. Where to find it, or how to create it? How do you define uniqueness? And is this a necessity for prosperity on the Internet?
Let’s take it in order.
Table of Contents
Unique content: what is it?

Today, the network is such an abundance of information that the competition for a high-quality product is exceptionally high. Tons of content appear daily in the webspace, and creating something original is getting harder. This is more true of texts.
For users, uniqueness is not the ultimate goal. They are more interested in the usefulness of the information provided. But for search engines, this text parameter is one of the keys. It is on it that the sites are ranked and the definition of their position in the issue. All of this applies to SEO optimization.
More often than not, the concept of “unique content” means the freshness of the content and the complete originality of the presentation. The latter is easily defined by specialized services that detect the percentage of repetitive verbal designs in a new job about existing materials on the Internet. Ideally, there should be 100% uniqueness, but the figures are allowed from 85%.
The number of keywords is also taken into account. Their number should not be huge. This is the responsibility of the spam measure. It is impossible to do without keys, too, because search engines define the texts on them.
Another relevant indicator is the percentage of plagiarism. It is verbal garbage that carries no value for the article and can be freely removed.
The most popular anti-plagiarism programs include:
The research capabilities of such services are constantly growing, and they quickly determine even right, not to mention synonymization. As for search engines, their algorithms for determining uniqueness are not known for sure. And the anti-plagiarism above are the closest to the truth.
Why is such an increased emphasis on the originality of the content? Because it attracts readers, it is associated with reliability and credibility. It is an indicator that the company is “in the subject” and therefore more trust in it.
How to create unique content: sources and ways?

Deciding to fill the web resource with original information will undoubtedly be a dilemma associated with its search. The source of new, interesting information can be a person who is a specialist in the area you want. Interviewing him is an excellent option for filling a web project with new information.
Another way to create original content is to write reviews. It may be a simple listing or with an author’s estimate, but in any case – new information. Separately, it is worth highlighting studies of events directly related to the niche of the web portal.
Personal experience is also a great help for writing outstanding text. Be sure to find something that you are well versed in. And practical experience in a new area for you is also suitable for proper lighting on the portal.
Translations from other languages can also help create unique content, but only for search engines. You can’t be sure that no one has translated your chosen publication before you, so the top may not be new.
It is essential to understand the difference between copywriting: writing an article literally from scratch, without the use of ready-made Internet texts, and rewriting – rewriting, in other words, with the preservation of meaning. If we talk about 100% uniqueness, it will require the freshness of the theme, presentation, and presentation style.
How to write an article on my own?

If you are friends with MS-Word, you can try to compile content for your website without help. To write a good article, you don’t just have to follow spelling and punctuation rules. You also need to think through her plan, pick up information, make an attractive headline.
And it is desirable to start by studying the target audience’s interests, which you are trying to interest. This will help to find a fascinating topic and determine the features of writing a future verbal masterpiece.
Use brainstorming to find an idea. Get to know the thematic forums, watch the suitable videos, and think about what you can get to know about your audience.
Be sure to analyze existing materials from the right area. Don’t forget to make a list of keywords worth mentioning. Gather all the information and plan the article.
After this stage, you can start direct graphomania. Different methods are used here. Someone writes on a website, ponders every word, following the plan, and creates in his manner. A good text should not include:
- Introductory designs
- Abundance of pronouns;
- Unreasonable assessments;
- Semantic repetitions.
Always subtract the finished product. Typos, errors, repetitions – all these must be corrected because users notice them in the first place.
Work on the title separately. From him begins familiarity with the material, so he must cling or intrigue. However, do not get too carried away in the pursuit of attention. Keep in mind that the title should be in line with the material, not just serve as bait. It is not necessary to adopt the “yellow press” methods because it is fraught with loss of public interest after the first publication.
Where can I find content writers?

Those who are unsure of their writing talent or do not have enough free time for such work will need the services of copywriters. Finding and hiring them is accessible on freelancing exchanges, where they consider remote vacancies for additional or permanent earnings- is one of them.
By engaging professionals, you can expect to receive quality content that meets all the unique parameters. Naturally, provided that you choose a worthy candidate. To do this, do not neglect familiarity with the personal profile of the freelancer, where you can see his resume, portfolio, and customer feedback.
Another good way to find qualified content is to organize a paid test job for selected candidates. It will help you understand which performers are most in line with your expectations. And, of course, remember a competent technical task that will help a professional create what you expect to see.
The cost of copywriter services, as a rule, is calculated at the price of a thousand characters. However, there are other options. The price is also considered when forming the text, design requirements, style, and other vital parameters.
Compiling Content: Complete Roadmap for Content Writers
Regardless of whether you decide to write on your own or entrust this case to a remote performer, difficulties in finding exciting topics can not be avoided. As a rule, there are enough ideas for the first 5-7 publications, and then there comes a stupor. Everything has already been written and rewritten, and it leis challenging to find something useful or intriguing. But it’s possible.

To determine what will be attractive to the audience, you need to dip into her pain. And it is best to do it on thematic forums. There is often a treasure trove of topics that can be illuminated, attracting visitors to the site.
The second not lousy way to find ideas is to read blogs. They are placed on a variety of sites, but the most popular platform today – Instagram. Their bloggers actively communicate with the audience and very closely follow the news and topical topics.
Literature is also rich in ideas. Modern or classical – absolutely not important. Reading, one way or another, you are inspired, analyzed, and find interesting topics for coverage on your Internet resource. By the way, here you can include watching TV programs or videos on YouTube.
Any event in life can be pushed on the top – from a simple walk to a visit to some official event. The main thing is to be careful and not forget to fix the ideas that come to mind.
It is also essential to be aware of the form of submission. Even the most successful topic can be ignored by readers if revealed from the wrong perspective. If we talk about the in-demand formats, it is:
- An overview article, including a description of current things related to the site’s theme;
- A top list that’s great for grading or ranking;
- A guide or instruction explaining step-by-step what to do to accomplish something or the specifics of the item;
- Research is an excellent option for publishing essential data.
- Story with a note of humor (storytelling), allowing you to convey the necessary information in a discreet and straightforward form.
Each option is well-suited to create and share material.
As the web grows, it’s essential to fill it with original content regularly. So, you’ll keep high places in the search engine and hold the audience’s attention.
How often do I post new articles? Ideally, daily. The average schedule assumes publication 2-3 times a week. So you can attract excellent traffic to the portal, get to the top and provide high attendance.
Functional, original, and informative materials effectively help develop the site, raise it to the top of the issue, and increase users’ loyalty. So do not save on them.
Where do you get unique content?